4:20 AM Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hey bloggers.
Ok , today went for art class , went back early coz do finish the work that teacher gave me.
Great , brought a nice chocolate icecream :D.
When i come back , mummy was cooking.
Ok , the fried prawn is super delicious.
I love it :D.
Got a chance to eat again 2mor coz mummy is playing majong 2mor.
Yaw ~
Went out for dinner with family.
Dad was crazy about worldcup , wow.
He got many friends around.
I havent been noticing that dad is already 56 years old ..
haizz .
Have to cherish them more than what i am doing now !
:D love dad , mummy & sophie sister :)
Green tea cake was damn nice , art lesson too .

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)