5:41 AM Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Today friends came my house to do project.
God damn it .
Rain so big , we walked.
Then shoes and every single thing was wet.
When we reached my home we was damn happy.
Done the history game , was fun :D.


I am not happy these days.
Because of the sitting arrangement thing , make me pissed up
People are giving me troubles . OH NO.
All people have their sits that they wants.
Everyone wants to sit with friends.
And i am like wasted my time for making this paper ?
Its just like more rubbish than a shit.
Now i see mr imran then felt so freak out ler..
Coz i told him to arrange himself but he dunn want.
I had enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn it , change for what.
is just like no one understands.
U say until so easy , you come arrange.
Then everyone started to come to you and say where they want to sit.
You put not good , they would say.
Why u so selfish?
Why u anyhow put?
I want sit here ,
I want sit there !
I want sit infront ,
I want sit at the back !
I don't want so back.
I don't so infront.
I want middle.
I don't want to sit so near this person.
I don't want to sit with him / her.
I want to sit near my friends,
Put me near them !
Why u put you and ur friends so near , but mine so far ?
Change lar !
please , god change me away and dunn let me be vicechair anymore !
You would never know , how stressed i am now.
Teachers just know how to scold me when i havent have a solution.
Ok , you so clever go do it !
And don't give me any trouble ler.
Now i really want to sing a song with full of bad words =="
And finally , thanks to wendy for comforting. :D
ok , byebye ^^
If this continues maybe i would wanted to quit myself.

i spent the money to sms everyone.
and just coz i wanted you to reply.
but you didn;t.
i think it is time for me to really packup my feelings..
i am really tired , we are impossible ler.
i knew it , i am the one who had wasted the chance at first. :'(

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

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the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)