8:59 PM
Friday, June 18, 2010 HELLLLOOOOO. Currently hands are hurting coz of yesterday's bbq. Damn it. Ok , yesterday was totally fun ^^ At the morning had breakfast with mummy. after that watched show .. then when reach 4pm meet minxuan at coldstorage , met vanessajunior. HAHA , she is a choibu :) ok , then buy ler bbq net liao she go my house. my mum helped to cook the things. then luwen came , and following by siyi. LOL siyi and me and minxuan keep taking each other's photo. it was fun. then the nightmare came.. we 4 girls carried all the 4 things to compass point seven eleven. damn many things lorhs !! damn pissed off coz no boys are willing to help. but james and jeff got have. and the worst thing is james dropped the whole box of my chicken wings. but we still eat during the bbq. and when reached there , started preparing things. and reallt thank delvin alot , coz he started to start fire and all those things. inorder for everything to go smoothly. THANKS DELVINTEO !! :D then cook here cook there. when up to play at the play ground. haha , at night very funny. we all went up first. the marcusyap and more guys followed up. then the lights were off at the upstairs the playground there. too bad cant play. then very funny they keep seeing the people living in the house. haha , played true or dare with siyi and luwen. coz minxuan went home ler , her shoes i wear and she wear my shoes back. then suddenly the uncle came up. we all run down , some of the people went into the darkplace and hide. hahah i go tell the uncle go catch all the boys up there. FUN ! haha , the after all me and girls keep all the things. then the boys waited for us and in the end luwen and siyi came my house. haha , thanks all 1G'S for coming yeahs :) have a fun time with all of you. p.s. haha sorry to wendy coz she is scolded when we play the true or dare. |