3:11 AM Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ok , lets start with thursday.
Adelaide , Aden & Ancel arrive at my house at around 11am.
Then we play at house awhile , then go prime and buy things.
After that we came back home and it was time for ancel to sleep.
Ok , was damn tiring to let him fall sleep !
He cry for so long coz my mum want him to sleep ler then dunn him watch TV.
wa , damn crazy one.
When we wake up after not long we went to sengkang community club there and brought 2 kites.
1 is eagle the otehr one is like rainbow jellyfish.
LOL , was damn funny lorhs.
Coz we keep on running inorder for the kite to fly high.
And fail .
The kite never fly high.
And we started we be jealous of the uncle not far away from us.
hahha ,anyway it was fun.
And coz that adelaide keep on sneezing and make me crazy.
I slept at 8am in the morning.
The time when i finally fall soundly asleep,
Thanks to adelaide.

Ok , move on to friday.
Went for breakfast at the morning .
Aden went for school as he is going to the airport.
then too bad lor , cant play with us.
We went to hougang mall with adelaide.
hahah , she keep on training sms-ing ^^
saw weesiang at the mrt station.
LOL hahaha.
then come back ler wait for aden to come back then go fly kite again.
And went to the resturant to eat sushi.
hahah .
After that today then they went back home ler.

Today, such aa tiring dayyyy !!!!!!!!
I went out at 1.50pm to go to siyi house.
walao lor , i tell u i wont take LRT to her house alone anymore !!!
At first time i take wrong line , then take to a place i dunn know.
then take back to compasspoint.
afetr that 2nd time take correct line but coz phone no money and i thought there cannot reach her house.
coz last time me and minxuan sit 1 station then reach ler.
waaa .
i stop at the swimming complex there.
then walk to her house .
walao i damn happy that i reach her house !!!
tired until i can die.
if i know that after 3pm then is 1 station then can reach her house then good.
but was before 3pm.
so i dun know much sit one big round.
damn it.
just nice cant call her to ask.
I was like going to be crazy ler.
then done the chinese project and my maths 9c worksheet ler then i go home ler.
this time i took bus back.
WAAAAAAAAA , most tired day ever ler.
Ok , byebye guys :S
anyway phone no money cannot reply any sms.

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

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the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)