10:24 PM Sunday, November 14, 2010
I can't remember what is the feeling of not being tired.
Any one of you watch before this show mahs ?
I found it damn nice.
I think it started as the family went to one place.
Thn the girl's father and mother eat until they really become a pig.
I forgotten what is the name of this show , but it's really nice !
So many years le , i forgotten what is it really about.
But , i seriously recommend this show !

Who owns my heart ?
Is it love or is it art ?
You know , I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart ?

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)