11:34 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hello ! <: Just came back from art class , i guess i am hungry >< Kherming has been saying LOL for more than 20 times during the art class. Crazy kids ! Hahah , Mr Yeo finally gave up on us. We kept on talking and not yet thought of what to draw , GOOD ! This is our plan from the starting . We dunn think , he will think. I want to eat pizza ! I want to eat sticky ! I want to eat icecream with french frice on it ! OMGOSHIAMGOINGTODIEIWANTTOEAT. Ok , bye , i guess i go and find something to eat first , KEEP ON TAGGING , PEOPLE ^^
Lastly , had to thanks TOHSIYI for chatting with me , whenever i am sad , I love her okays ! HAHAH , not forgetting the rest too (: