2:55 AM
Friday, October 15, 2010
HELLOOOOO. Okay , firstly shout HOORAY ! Exam is over , everyone happy smile :D Okay , I am happppy today . Today was playing and playing the cheater , all those card games . QP , LW , SY , CL , MX came to my house. We ate macdonal , OMG THAT ROCKS. Keeps on playing and playing until 2pm , set off to school. The photo thingy is damn nice. We get chance to take photos. Hahah , had fun with samantha , bernice , luwen , liyah , munnie , and the other friend. Hahah , the black and white thing , o.o luwen's picture's effect is damn rocks , thanks to me ! OMG THEY ROCKS :D haha , sister's camera rocks ttm. Those photos are not edited before , i promise. (: