12:53 AM Friday, September 24, 2010

Hi pepes ^^
I am once again back !
Today was a normal day , i am totally wet now.
Waited for so long just to take 3 photos , great !
When we was just released , it started raining.
Junchao senior accompany me to take bus home , haha she is kinda funny.
The bus was totally full of Nan Chiau people.
I was paying attention in history , and nowdays i am kind of crazy.
I even moved right infront to listen , goodjob.
FuMing finally turned to his " violent " side of him ,'
He threw the chair and pushed the tables down , * clap *
And credits goes to our class's boys , who made him totally freak out.
Saying truly , he is kind of pathetic.
We always bullied him .
Yesterday went for maths remedial , i hope that i wan not there.
Still need do extra homework , whatisthis !
To let us stay longer , Mr Imran still used the excuse ,
" The floor is still wet , let it evaporate first , I scared later you all fall down ".
What a " caring " teacher is he.
Hahahah .
Science class was damn funny.
We played the game , then 12 people went out .
I was one of them
Damn lor , took the paper with the word PENIS , WHAT THE !
Laughing like mad.
Currently waiting for dad to come out of the toilet !
Jiayou , everyone , exams is coming in lesser than 12 days time .
Score well , and lets rock the november & december holiday ! :D
LOL the drawing is drawn by me but is kind of , LOL !

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)