4:06 AMMonday, May 24, 2010 WOOOOTS <3 i passed all my subject. I really thought that today was a super nice day BUTTTTTTT.. I had lost my wallet !!!!!!!! my ez-link card is inside and with $15 dollar cash inside... :( I thought i can be praised by my mum , she would be totally happy. But i was scolded and scolded and scolded and scolded... BY HER :(:( i really need to find it back .. so please if u really saw it can u kindly return it to me ?? :(:( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok , today's trip was nice ;D. Pictures are uoloaded here and facebook. The instructors are kind ;D. And i had a fun time with friends ;D
♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)
♥I am just like any other normal girl , sharing what I have here.
♥A big welcome to you guys ,
♥Thanks for coming to my blog :D
♥Tom & Jerry
♥Want a instant camera & phone
♥Born on 17Januaryyy1997