11:50 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
WOOOOOOOTS <3 finally ! exam is over , i love it :D. Today we go siyi house.
After like 15 - 30 mins , we went to my house.
Then we go eat Madonal BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGG BREAKFAST !!! :D:D.
we was looking and looking for sit. Then got one group of people , dunn say what school.
Sitting there and occupy the space.
they see we no space also dunn let us sit =="
keep playing the guitar. it wasn't the problem.
the problem is they keep playing the same part over and over and over and over......... .______________________________________________________.
was totally crazy =="
after that went to my house to play.
want take neoprint one , but siyi must go fetch his brother so never .
then me luwen & minxuan keep playing computer and more ..
luwen was crazy about boxhead !
and i found that we have something same .
and that is we like to watch the show very much.
heheheheh ;D.
after that want go choonlei house one , but siyi cant go ler so never go.
Don't blame yourself ! :)
ok , lucky the credits was ok .
And happy birthday to zikry bro ;D.
let me upload some lateeeeeeeeeeeeeee photo :)
me and minxuan one is today derr.
MS TAN , D&T TEAHCER. , sibei good.
wendy , badgirl :D