9:20 PM Saturday, February 26, 2011

I wish it didn't hurt
I wish I didn't care
I wish it doesn't matter
I wish I was happy
I wish I had money
I wish I was pretty
I wish I could sleep at night
I wish I could enjoy my life
I wish I could just enjoy food
I wish you were here
I wish you mean it
I wish I meant it
I wish I was different
I wish I lived somewhere else
I wish I didn't exits


6:08 AM

我在拼什么,在意什么最多 ,为了什么又累又寂寞

Hello hello helloooo :)
Knowing that , I had been working so hard , and not knowing the reason.
Why so serious ? I haven't been thinking of this question.
Knowing that sacrifice more doesn't mean that people will appreciate it.
and that's the saddest part.
and , being kind had been treated back as stupid-ness.
I just .. Can't get something that I want , or fight for.
And serious I really , am sick and tired of this.
It's kind of meaningless , seriously it is.
after all , it's just the question that I had not had an answer yet.
" Why work so hard , what are you fighting for ? "

11:05 PM Thursday, February 24, 2011

If I say my heart was beating loud

Hello , peeps ;)
Okay first have to wish that people in New Zealand would be really fine as Earthquake killed many of them.
And this is when we are really like damn fortunate okay.
Okayokay !
Today had Geography and English Test.
And , yesterday the start of nightmare , History and Chinese Test.
This 2 days I had been regretting as there are stupid mistakes in the work @#$%^&*(
But what is done is done , so nvm liao lor.
Okay maybe you guys dunn understand why but I am really x1000000 want to change a phone.
I am really gonna work hard for the test so that I don't have to stay back for remedial during March holiday.
And 2mor , have to wake up super early for maths remedial.
Panda eyes forever wont be expected to be gone liao.

5:35 AM Wednesday, February 23, 2011
So it starts of unexpected. You have mutual friends and add each other on facebook and msn. You get to know one another .It gets interesting. Exciting fun. Numbers are added into phones. Text Text Text Flirt Flirt Flirt. You have deep and meaningful conversation and learn about them. You begin to fall. You start dating. You fall harder. You are in love. You hug. You kiss. You touch. Life was in greatness. You are inlove. Can't go through a day without talking to them. Time flies. Things changed. Things get rocky. You get hurt. Forgive, but can't forget. You love them too much to break up. They break up with you. You are shattered. Life doesn't mean much no more. You lost everything. And it ends with a heartache.

5:29 AM Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I promise you this : no matter who enters your life , I will be the one who love you the most

when you think that there's ghost ,
and you ran quickly into your room ,
cover yourself with the blanket ,
thinking that ,

4:59 AM Saturday, February 19, 2011

If you love me , if you hate me , you can save me , baby baby

Okayokayokay , hi :)
lol i saw my bag lying on the floor.
okokok , lets ignore that.
Yesterday , the awesome friday .
We stayed back for the dancethingy after science remedial.
I think yesterday's science lesson is the most sleepy one.
LOL crazy kenneth keep on pouring water on us lor !
LOL i guess our class is like damn wet liao.
Such a pouring water day .
Then little accident happened , GWS luwen <3
Hahahah poor wendy who actually got really wet + paint on her hands.
and poor siyi who is really innocent and got her textbook wet.
HAHAHAH , but i guess it was fun throughout :)

2:01 AM Thursday, February 17, 2011

When you are thinking to give up , think of what makes you hold on till now at the starting

Okayokay , Hello :)
Firstly , have to say happy birthday to Joel , 16 February .
And , Happy birthday to Jennifer , which is today <3
HAHAHAHHA , MsSuanTan let us watch Mr Bean .
And the Kenneth had been like usual , things which comes out from his mouth are really -_-
Glad that today's history test is not too difficult .
And I did not do bad for my science and geography.
Today stayed back for dance thingy.
Hahah , DingXiang is seriously awesome with his dance leh !
What makes me happy is that ,
at least we guys tried ,
and the process makes everything worth it :)

3:39 AM Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I had already forgotten when is the last time I can enjoy my holiday ,
watch television for the whole day ,
sleeping after 10pm ,
reach home before 1pm ,
and ,
not being tired .

6:05 AM Saturday, February 12, 2011
I had been staring at the screen and not knowing what to post.
no one has been tagging my blog nowdays.
I guess it's getting boring liao .
Ok , but I am still gonna blog :)

Just to tell you guys something
I had found really awesome girls in my life
They like me for who I am
And like me for what I am bad at
There are so many of them out there
I really thank you guys
For making school awesome for me
And most importantly for being in my life :)

Yesterday CL , SY , LW , MX came to my house.
Hahah even thought we had nothing to do but we still managed to survive.
Thanks to the stupid and crazy shows , and poker cards. ( which are like Majongs)
And thanks to Siyi , I am always using her iphone to play .
Knowing that I had been spending really less time in computer,
I am not sure if I should be happy or sad.
And comment test coming , I am getting tired of this kind of life.
My panda eyes are getting darker .
And I haven't got any solution to make it disappear.
If you guys have any ways , please tell me.
Sleeping early doesn't help at all :(
I sleep at 10 everyday , but I think my panda eyes like my face too much that they doesn't seems to be wanting to leave my face.
And getting tired of teachers who are really irritating , make me hate class.
But in the end still , I must study.
Hmmm .. Going to school I guess is fated.
I doesn't really have things that I am really into it , which makes my life boring.
I don't have an awesome phone , or either a super smart brain.
But I guess this is me ? (:

2:07 AM Friday, February 11, 2011

Yes , I would die for ya baby . But you won't do the same.

Ask most people what they want out of life, and the answer is simple: to be happy. Maybe it’s this expectation though, the wanting to be happy, that just keeps us from ever getting there. Maybe the more we try and will ourselves to states of bliss, the more confused we get, to the point where we don’t recognize ourselves. Instead, we just keep smiling, trying like hell to be the happy people we wish we were. Until eventually, it hits us: it’s been there all along. Not in our dreams or hopes, but in the known. The comfortable. The familiar."

Okay , Hello guys (:
Minxuan and Siyi just went back home.
Today's a fine day i guess ?
PE as usual very tiring and boring .
Then D & T hahah had a fun time with Wendy and Munnie.
Today change sits again .
But i still sitting at the original sit -.-
But still okay lah coz all my friends are all around me :D
Friends just made your day , and it's friday today.
It had been a suffering week for me , as comment test is coming .
Okay lah , work hard ok ;D

12:22 AM Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It just takes you sometime to understand . And I know you won't take the time to do it.

Hellooo ! :D
Okay , everyday is a tiring day.
Haizz also dunn have one day I can go home and take a nap :(
Tomorrow having Science test .
Must chiong revision tonight liao .
Okay lah , jiayou everyone .
LOLOLOL i am like damn looking forward for the March Holiday .
Even thought knowing that I have to go back to school , for sure ,

4:30 AM Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hellohelloooo :D
Okay seriously you guys have to tag me more okay .
Today went out with the pretty girls .
Hehehhehe .
We was really like damn pek check when there are no way that we can get tickets for Da Shi Jie
But it was okay , so we walked to white sand the shopping mall.
wasted money on there coz of catching of toys ~
Hahaha on the way keep on saying L O L lor.
Damn funny one !
Then we headed to kelly de house.
Her mum was damn friendly.
then we played cards and keep on listening to Korean song.
was damn fun okay.
Then we ate steamboat.
Even thought this year's new year was not so exciting ,
but with friends and family ,
it was still a warm chinese new year :)

3:52 AM Friday, February 4, 2011

When like and love became confusing

Okokok , hello all !
I am like super stick to the com now.
Adelaide they all just left my house not long ago.
Today went to Aunt's house.
Hahah Calob and his brother is really like damn adorable.
I really have difficulties hearing what are the kids saying.
Coz they just learnt to speak.
Watched Toy Story 2 with them.
Hahah kids really have the ability to actually remember what the character says.
Even thought they only watch for 1 time only !
And as I get older , I forget things so easily.
Ok lah , I admit it okay.
I think i only got 150 dollars for my angbao this year.
Pathetic less.
As most of my relatives are living at Malaysia.
This year no go back :(
Tomorrow going out with primaryschool friends .
Is Da Shi Jie really so nice ? -_-
Until cannot book until tickets .
Going to Kelly House .
Okayokay , byebyebeyebye :D

9:24 PM Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello guys ,
I just came back from meeting my primary school friends .
It was fun , and most importantly the feeling of last time had all came back.
Today ..
Lets make my post for someone.
She was someone , who actually laugh like so crazy .
And someone , who always was there for me.
Even thought nowdays we seldom meet ,
but i still miss the times when we went to carpark ,
go kfc eat snackers ,
laugh for silly jokes .
And , I love you okay :)
You really gonna cheerup coz I will be there for you <3
I may not be the best friend ever ,
but i will be the one who will be there no matter what happenes . :)

Happy New Year to everyone :)


2:56 AM

Hello , heheheh.
Okok , I am currently like really excited as tomorrow is the last day of school ,
and we will be having 3-4days of holiday !
Today had match with Canbebra Secondary School.
Was not really good , but they are friendly too .
But seriously , most importantly is not the result but the process .
AND THE COACH IS REALLY DAMN ($@#$%^&**&^%$#@.
Ok , nvm , she better be 0kg before she says me -.-
I will train hard , and wait until December , it's our turn to trash them.
Cough and flu is making me damn sick lehhhhh.
And algebra worksheet = faints.
And test after CNY = faints.
Nowdays weather is like what the heellllll why is it raining forever.
Ok please take care of yourself .
Happyyy Newww Yeaarrr :D


"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)