1:53 AM
Monday, January 31, 2011
I wonder .. how boys feel when they're in love. Do they get butterflies ? Do they have you on their mind 24/7 ? Do they wait for you to come online for hours ? Do they smile at random times at the thought of you ? Do they miss you all the times ? Do they think of the smallest things you say ?Labels: The feelings that confused you and me
1:31 AM
Friday, January 28, 2011
HELLOOOO :D Okay , I just came back from Bugis , WAH HAPPY DAY COZ I BROUGHT MANY THING :) But if the wallet is black , then super good liao. Today is Munling's Birthday .
Happy birthday to you , Happy birthday to you , Happy birthday to Munling , Happy birthday to you ~ ! :DDD
Hope that you will enjoy your day arh ! :D Nowdays quite ok lah , but test and homework are like x100000000 AND ONLY NICHOLAS IN THE WORLD IS REALLY LIKE MAKE ME LAUGH UNTIL CRAZY DURING D & T CLASS !! Okok , i shall relax leh . hahahah , having competitions nowdays . Now quite good ... But at least try le lah ^^ Hhahah , okay byebyehbyebeye :)
Most important is , today is Friday , 1 week is over :)
2:18 AM
Friday, January 21, 2011
It has been really alot of days since i had blogged . I had been really busy nowdays . Thanks to all the SSL , HOMEWORKS , TEST , CCA. Thanks really much to school too. You had made me wake up at 6 everyday , sleep at 10pm everyday. From the moment I reach home everyday , i started to do homework until 10. is really tiring leh :( This is expect , maybe .. Haizz tiring life is starting . FINALLY TODAY IS FRIDAY NIGHT !!!!!! But something spoil my mood which is i am hungry now and i cant go back to malaysia for Chinese New Year .. Damn lonely leh :( Nvm , hope that i can survive ! :)
2:54 AM
Monday, January 17, 2011
Okaayokayokay Before I start , I REALLY HAVE TO THANK ALL THE SWEETIES THAT CELEBRATED MY BIRTHDAY TODAYYYYYYYY ;D Happy to say that this is the most happiest birthday i ever had . These are really all my awesome friends ! Hahahha , yesterday I went out to eat with my mum , so as today !
I love my friend , my mum , my sis :) Thanks for all the presents ^^ I went to Tampiness today , and brought what i want leh !! Hahah i really had enjoyed today , and I LOVE YOU GUYS :D <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
5:19 AM
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I want you to notice when I am not around .
How many times must someone be hurt before they actually give up. How many times sorry can you say , How many it's okay can I say . How many tears can i drop . How many times must I feel disappointed before I stop expecting , How many hours must I wait just to see your reply . How many times must I take in all these bullshits , How much longer must I wait ?
12:59 AM
Friday, January 14, 2011
Give me a reason to forget
Okay , hello people ^^ Today had been a fine day . Went to get present from kelly . Thankyou leh ! :D Then went back to school to continue for the CME and IT project . Really make me laugh until siao liao. Hhaha and maths class !! Luwen go slap my face . My nose hurts man . Hhaha then i go and cheat minxuan with it. Sherman is really damn funny one leh. He go and scream like a girl !! And joven the monkey , hahah ^^ My stomach really hurts so much lor . Okay for this weekend i must really study liao . Geography , history and science . Hhahah jiayou everyone :)
3:05 AM
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Like it's her birthday ,
Hi guys , finally i got to blog , i guess so (: just came back from badminton training. Today's training is awesome coz Mr Tong wasn't here , mwhahahahahah. Even thought we don't have free play time coz of the painters , >< But training is still really enjoyable. Hahaha , luwen is trying to scare the seniors buy saying U loudly in the middle of the story. BUT SHE FAIL !!!!!!!!! HAHAHAH this is really damn funny coz when she say U , their face is like -_- Compared to minxuan's which is really a big difference . Hhahaha minxuan scared until like siao ! XD Ok it seems that i am kinda of crazy laughing like a mad people here when others are suffering .. hahah but it's the way we actually play and communicate with each other ! ^^ And , sad thing is that english teacher makes me dislike her :( but how english is a very important subject . Okay i will try my best lah , heheh . ^^
4:53 AM
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Hello !! Okay it has been days since i had blogged . Look quite boring right ? :( Okay nowdays i don't really have a chance to touch the com . Sorry for not blogging okay . Yesterday stay back to do the IT project . And rushed home . School had been fine . Thanks to maths , i am sorry once again to my brain . Thanks to the " PERFECT " way of Mr Tai's teaching . I suffered alot when i am at home doing maths, And today , we had ting xie and i read the bao zi . MWHAHAHAHAHAH. LOL damn funny in chinese class leh , hahah . Thanks to wendy , LOLOLOL ^^ 1st time since sec one i get nervous taking ting xie. This is quite awful i guess .. heheh . Okay thanks to all my friends , hahah i survived the long period of school coz of you guys ! ^^ <3
7:14 PM
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Hello bloggers or stalker , hehe . Okayokay . Now having a bad stomach ache man :( School had been fine , but i seriously don't like the English and Maths teacher. Maths is because i don't understand what is he talking about . English is also coz of teaching matters , argh :( Now i am like rushing for the stupid chinese thing leh . WTF I HATE IT LORRRRRRRRRR. Now also havent find a news article which is nice and sweet. Finished all the homeworks expect MATHS . Okay lah i don't understand , tired life .
I don't mind ..
11:10 PM
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Okay hello guys :) School has been kinda of like normal expect that homework are like so many. How i wish that i have a room like this to put all my stuff inside . Today is like so freaking making me sick . They go bring the worm and it is really disgusting -.- STOP . BRINGING . THEM . HERE . SERIOUSLY . == I hate those problems man .. Haizz . Please wish like x10000000 that i was thinking too much and nothing is gonna happen. And , hope that ChoonLei can recover soon and come to school ! (: Friday is like the best day after school has reopens . I . LOVE . FRIDAY ! :D
11:42 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
You are making me so confused ,
Hello guys . Okay , school has started . And today is the 5th January . I am like , so tired :( Shit day lah today . Why always me man :( And yesterday 1st day of school. WHY THE TEACHER SAME SURNAME WITH ME !! Sian until like cannot sian liao . And must wake up so earlier like everyday :( Schoool , please understand that i am that kind of people who wake up at 11-12 pm EVERYDAY DURING HOLIDAY . And the teachers this year all so fierce . So no slacking class anymore . Not like last time , chinese , geography and history can play around . And no naps make me so sick . At night also cant fall asleep fast coz of holidays ~ But because of the friends i actually managed to survive , i guess (: But new sitting arrangement is like so -.- Coz i sit at the back man :( Teachers like to stress to us that we are sec 2 le . OK WE KNOW BUT WE NEED SOMETIME TO GET USED TO IT OK . I can already feel the stress . Haizz , no choice , life is like this leh .__. When everyone is taking advantages from you , thats when you will die. There is always someone who needs to be treated unfairly . you know . really hope that i can hang in there .
11:07 PM
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I didn't change , it's only that you didn't notice the real me .
Ok hi. I seriously have to reblog this . hahhaha COZ IT IS LIKE SO TRUE MAN !! I remember this happens once to us too . LOL. They just made us the first second :DDDDD Then the other second when we saw it is like -_- HAHAH VOMIT BLOOD . Thats why , teachers are never so good to us . Okok , today last day of holiday le leh . 2mor will be a nightmare like so seriously. Ok lah , study hard everyone . LOL. COZ BESIDE OF THIS IS DUNN KNOW WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THE HOLIDAY HAS ENDED , and we have to study .
OK SERIOUSLY THIS ALSO HAPPENES . hahah today my post will give to this tumblr character ^^ I really thinks that he rocks . hah
you can dance with me if you wanna to , you can sing with me if you wanna to .