11:05 PM Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello ~ ! (:
Yesterday went for Harry Potter 7 !
Hahah , had fun there with Minxuan , Tingwei and guys .
We like damn crazy , because the lift was always full ,
so we actually purposely took the lift down , then come up again ,
so that we will be occupying the lift -__-
Because we was late for the starting !
Then the people in the cinema keep on " SHHHHHH" us .
LOL who knows we was sitting on the second row from the front.
Then walked a long way , the people keep on " SHHHH " us.
It was raining quite big at Dhoby Ghaut .
It was quite late when we finish watching .
Then took MRT home with them .
The shops was closed le , wanted to buy KFC one ,
but closed liao D:
Then went to buy Macdonal back home to eat !!
Saw Ms Toh at KFC . :o
Twitter is loading so slow man ----------______________-------------

Then today went playing badminton with MX , CL , Luwen .
Siyi cheerup man ! Dunn worry still got other chance we can go and play together !
Don't sad le , dunn suits you , hahah !
Smile lahs , hahah thtappeopleshoulderderh !
Why your name so long one . haha (:
Then we was like retard there .
Went to play blingmice also .
The Avatar voice serious is ROCKS !
My leg doesn't fail to hurts everytime okay :(
Okay , byebye !

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)