7:24 AM Friday, October 29, 2010
Friends , you all know something ?
During times of happiness , sadness , everything ,
I would always find you all by my side.
You all always cheer me up ,
We have times of craziness ,
we were never separated.
You all had thought me so many things ,
the most happy thing about this ,
is that ,
I have so many true friends , who always supports me ,
and give me the strength to live on.
I love die you all !

To : Choonlei ,
You had never fail to make me laugh , even thought sometimes we may fight , we may be not happy about each other , but i still love you lots ! You were always there for me , and help me with all those bullshit things that teacher gave us , Thankyou ! <3

To : Si Yi ,
Happily ! (L) You always have those cheerful and encouraging words coming out from your bottom of your heart , whenever i felt disappointed , or even have sad times , you was always there for me , telling me lots and lots of encouraging words. You were also always there for me , whenever teacher gave us difficult task , you were always there for me , no matter of laughter or sadness . Thankyou ! <3

To : Minxuan ,
Lollipopy ! Even thought you may not see this , but still a big thankyou to you ! You are always so silly and funny , and I like who you are ! <3

To : Luwen ,
Hahah , buddy . You always have a way of thinking things , and always the best helper , you know , we had went through all those bullshit times and happy times , I would never forget them ! Thankyou ! <3

To : Qianping ,
You were the best of all friend who i could have talks with , you always have advice for me , telling me encouraging words , you also must workhard in Chinese dance and your studies ! thankyou ! <3

To : Wendy ,
Wifey ! Since the day you had my baby ... Hahahah . Maybe sometimes you will feel lonely , because your best friends were in 1H , but no worries , I shall company you ! Sometimes i can't company you always , i felt sorry too , but remember I love you ! ;D We had went through so many crazy things , and you brought me really alot of laughter , you shall stay happy forever with me , and , you are really close to us , don't feel sad yeahs ? Heheheh , thanks for all the laughter that you had brought to us ! (L) <3.

To : XinDong ,
Guaiguaibaby , :D Even thought we still don't know each other very well , but I really like you very much. You are always retard in the way you brought us laughter , and the way you are silly , hahahs . Thankyou for being there for me too ! (L) :D

To : MunLing , Wanni ,
Hello , both of you ! Hehehe , even thought we are not very close , but i still loved you two.
You two had never fail to make me laugh , We shall slack more together ! The memories with you two had stand a place in my heart , thankyou for being there for me ! <3 :D

To : Lya , Munnie ,
Hello ! Couple , and daughter. You both are always so cheerful , not forgetting the times we laughs together , you both are so cute ! You both always have the way to make me happy , without fail . I really love the times with you both , thankyou for being there for me ! <3 Iloveyouboth :D

To : Jennifer ,
You are always my mangobaby , don't be troubled with all those problems ler , be yourself , i like you the most when you smile ! Thanks for being there for me :D <3 Iloveyou.

To : Alicia ,
Chocodear !! We shall real meet up soon , don't be troubled by all those relationship problems ler. Anything , find me , my ears and shoulder would always be there for you , don't forget this ! Iloveyoulots :D <3

To Jiaxin , yurui , iris ,
Heheh , even thought we are not really close , but i still loved you three ! ;D

I love all of you , you all are friends that i would never forget in my life , Lovedieyouall !
Hehehx , :D

6:46 AM
Okie , is kind of is me again .
lalalal .
Haizz , boring holiday .
I just think that ..
I have to say ...
Treat others the way you wanted to be treated . (:

12:38 AM Thursday, October 28, 2010
You were the expectation

So , hello <:
Yesterday play games with xindong , hahahs.
(L) , guaiguaibaby.
Today last day of school , off to holiday !
Friends , please ask me out , i am bored die.
The whole holiday nothing to do .
Was going to reborn hair der , now don't want ler .
Aden had went home , bored.
Report book is given out , hohoho.
I love my result ? ^.^
Had a fun time crapping with munnie during Assembly.
Hahah , the ink is his menstruate .
So fast , one year is going to end in 2 months time ?
Next year sec 2 ler , busybusybusy .
But happy that actually i have friends all around me .
You know , i love you all :D
And luwen's phone the taptap is nice , OHMAN.
Played uno with friends too , hehe.
Hopes that everyone enjoys their holiday ,
I will miss you all ,
You know (:
Andandand , remember to join the facebook the event thingy ,
for 1gs and those going for the chalet !

1G , you made me happy , we had went through all the moments ,
you all made me proud , :)

5:12 PM Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello , byebye , hi , welcome , LOL.
Okay , its me again.
Currently i am actually doing HBL ==
The poem thing cant even open ~ ><
Maybe later going to buy sticky ?
Yesterday went to park way , due to uncle.
Hahah , damn funny on the way.
My sis was talking about the Apple shop , then mango ,
The name of fruits as the shop name are difficult to find !
We were being crazy throughout the whole trip.
I must finish my photo book today :'(
And this sucks,
I havent been taking enough photos !!!!
Ok , don't care anymore ler.
People , tag more ^.^
Gtg , byes !

3:03 AM Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hello , sweeties (:
I am damn tired now , after a trip to SHHK.
ok , i found that i went there before ~
The tour was like , LOLS.
Choonlei and I was damn retard.
We went up with mr koh , and keep on taking photos.
Enjoyed thing is -- taking photos.
We are so not interested in the thingy.
Today went through Science & Maths (paper 2)
Quite happy with them.
I just don't understand somepeople ==
Barbie girl , hahah.
Munnie , Wendy and Me , we just enjoy singing together.
Okie , time to go , byebye ^.^

you was once what i wanted so much ,
even thought now its still the same ,
but i can't hold on there anymore.
The saddest thing is that i can't forget you ,
and i can't put you down ,
don't you understand it ? :'(

2:38 AM Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hellooo , to whoever you are , nice to see you reading this ^.^
Okie , today is the second day of the week , it's is tuesday.
Results were gotten back , ><
History , mothertongue , english , maths ( paper 1 only ) , homeecons :(
Quite happy with the result (:
Fuming's class was like , LOL.
Even the sky dunn help him , suddenly rain so big .
Hahah , already noisy enough , none of us is listening to him !
Wendy , luwen and me was busy playing CHOP CHILI CHOP CHILI CHOP CHOP CHOP.
mwhahahah , we are evil.
THE ACTIONS WERE &&%##^*(^&^.
School isn't so kind.
We had holiday on 25 october .
ok , great
After school , attended the photojournalism thingy.
Today is LAME + BORING.
but with munnie , liyah , luwen , samantha , bernice , everything was better.
Played badminton yesterday with friends.
joel's speech.
Somepeople just like to blame others when they don't score well.
Well , i don't give a damn then ... .____.
Just got speechless .
Hahah , okie , time to goooo .

get it clear , don't give up.
you will only fail when you stopped trying .

2:55 AM Friday, October 15, 2010

Okay , firstly shout HOORAY !
Exam is over , everyone happy smile :D
Okay , I am happppy today .
Today was playing and playing the cheater , all those card games .
QP , LW , SY , CL , MX came to my house.
We ate macdonal , OMG THAT ROCKS.
Keeps on playing and playing until 2pm , set off to school.
The photo thingy is damn nice.
We get chance to take photos.
Hahah , had fun with samantha , bernice , luwen , liyah , munnie , and the other friend.
Hahah , the black and white thing , o.o
luwen's picture's effect is damn rocks , thanks to me !
haha , sister's camera rocks ttm.
Those photos are not edited before , i promise. (:

11:19 PM Monday, October 11, 2010

HELLO , KONNICHI WA , 你好 , Lay Ho , whatever it is .
Okay , now let 3 days , maths , home econs , literature.
I guess today's geography is little difficult , maybe will fail .
Haizz , sad i did not work really hard for the geography , sian !
But have to work really harder , because now , i have to squeeze in to the TOP 4 .
Damn you , top 4 , i had to really work hard .
Maths tomorrow , i shall go and do some of the work and thn study for the stupid homeecons.
Andd , whatthehell ?!
The paper must more than Marcus Leung by 10 marks thn i can get higher marks than him in total.
Okay , this is totally crazy , so i dont really rely on my homeecons ler ! >< But still have to try my best . History , i am counting on you , please do not make me disappointed. Art i did not think i did well at last ~ How sad , anyway i should change my BLOGSKIN LER !! Getting boring everytime open also see the same thing , heheh . Ok , good luck guys , (L)
believe it or not , everyday would be fine XD.

8:20 AM Saturday, October 9, 2010

For the passed 10 months , i loved 1Glamorous , you all had taught me a lot of things , (:

12:08 AM Friday, October 8, 2010

After all , i shall say that , okay ,
but mcq was kinda diffcult for me .
Hope that the next week's papers are not too difficult , teachers , let us off.
Okay , i love friends
SiYi , Choonlei , Minxuan ,Wendy , Qianping , Munnie , Liyah , Luwen , xindong , wanni , jennifer , alicia , jiaxin , sharlene , AND EVERYEVERYVERY OF YOUUUU ;DDD
After all , wendy and guys doesn't fail to make me laugh everyday , (:
Thanks to my retard brain , we used sometime to make the buddha hand .
and credits to mr imran too , coz of his famous action , we laugh die liao.

6:24 AM Thursday, October 7, 2010
Lalalah , hihihi ! ^^
This is my so called little brother , he had been bringing me laughters nowdays ~ :D
Okays , exam day 2 , had been boring.
Tomorrow history ler , i am worriedddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
I shall score well , i shall score well , i shall score well ..
Efforts cant be wasted.
English and chinese paper was ok , but the problem is ,
finish too fast so sian.
Want sleep cannot sleep , later need to be waken up by teacher ,
Tomorrow most sian , history is already enough.
hahah , i hate it when we have lots of time to spend , but ms goh always x100000 ,
go and use the middle the time to give us remedial =="
Eat school food until can vomit liao , everyday same.
Not seveneleven then is school food.
DADDYYYY brought cookies back , and i loved him !
Thanks to aden , i had been laughing like dying nowdays at night ,
but he had been making me cannot concentrate .
I know exams are going to end soon , right ?
Cheers everyone , soon , we are going to shout horray !
Ok , lets pray hard and study hard and most important is PLAY HARDDD !
November and December Holiday would be fun indeed.
God or Buddha , bless us , we love you . :o
Hehehex , there goes aden again , hahah i love him too , ^^

sometimes i get tired too , let me take a breathe ,
if you found out that i am tired , please make me laugh ,
at least for one second , i would be very thankful ,
always cheerful , but i would also breakdown one day ,
you must know that .

7:47 AM Friday, October 1, 2010

Helllooo , to whoever are you.
I am totally in the mood to blog now ,
Coz i had finished my art's observation and development's drawing ! (L)
That was awesome , i believed.
I like my lufffyyy + whale .
they are cute , i love them x1000000.
But worry draw too many thing cant finish colouring in time on that exam day.
Today we had history exam , i think is kinda easy ~
After school went to seven-eleven with wendy , luwen and choonlei.
I brought oreo !
That makes my day happpy.
Suddenly thought of monday's mass pe .
LOL we girls were damn retard , coz we play catain's ball like crazy people.
Screaming all the way long.
Snatching the ball like it was a dessert , LOL.
Looking forward for our class t-shirt , better dunn long until like skirt , LOLOLOL.
Ms goh changed place , maybe first day not used but now ok ler.
Sad , wendy is away from me ler , but luckily there was siyi (:
Lessons had been boring , and exams where coming.
Geography is crazy , as it test the whole world map.
Sherman's voice was * DAMN NICE * , he sings whole day long ,
but he is also a entertainment , so not to be in blame.
I shall spend my December and November Holiday wisely ,
Not going to waste them anymore.
Must start revision whole day whole night , time is running out.
I will ensure you all that i will play and play after the exam , lets pray hard :D
Pray hard that paper were destroyed and no printing or giving out of exam paper.
Is that good ?
hahah , not sure but maths class test was ok , glad.
Phew , lets work hard , everyone.
Good luck ler !~ :D
And maths was crazy coz wendy was using her AWWW ~ sound to talk to me . HAHAH


"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)