12:53 AM
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hi pepes ^^ I am once again back ! Today was a normal day , i am totally wet now. Waited for so long just to take 3 photos , great ! When we was just released , it started raining. FLOOD MY SHOES AND EVERYTHING. Junchao senior accompany me to take bus home , haha she is kinda funny. The bus was totally full of Nan Chiau people. WOW , THANKS TO EVERYONE I WAS SMASHED. I was paying attention in history , and nowdays i am kind of crazy. I even moved right infront to listen , goodjob. FuMing finally turned to his " violent " side of him ,' He threw the chair and pushed the tables down , * clap * And credits goes to our class's boys , who made him totally freak out. Saying truly , he is kind of pathetic. We always bullied him . Yesterday went for maths remedial , i hope that i wan not there. Still need do extra homework , whatisthis ! To let us stay longer , Mr Imran still used the excuse , " The floor is still wet , let it evaporate first , I scared later you all fall down ". What a " caring " teacher is he. Hahahah . Science class was damn funny. We played the game , then 12 people went out . I was one of them Damn lor , took the paper with the word PENIS , WHAT THE ! Laughing like mad. Currently waiting for dad to come out of the toilet ! Jiayou , everyone , exams is coming in lesser than 12 days time . Score well , and lets rock the november & december holiday ! :D LOL the drawing is drawn by me but is kind of , LOL !
5:05 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
OK , NOW I THINK IS COUNTDOWN OF 16 DAYS TO THE END OF YEAR EXAM , I GOT TO WORK HARD SO NOT GOING TO POST SOON , BYEEE :D , but that doesnt means that you don't have to tag me , keep on tagging please (:
12:45 AM
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hiiiii. I am back from hell ! Yesterday was like living in hell to me. Eat and vomit , eat and vomit , makes me feeling so damn terrible. Doctor say was coz of gastric pain , make until i vomits. Thanks to friends that sent me those lovely and caring messages , I love you all :DDD Was totally feeling horrible , but luckily that i had recovered. If i knew this would had happened , should take mc from doctor. Coz i havent even started my homeworks. ARHGGGGGGGG >< And if anyone is kind enough , send me ingredients and things in pet society , tyty :D Love you guys (: And most importantly is a reminder to everyone : DO NOT SKIP YOUR MEALS , IF NOT YOU WILL BE LIKE ME , SUFFERING , AND STOMACHE , VOMIT , hehex. Take care everyone (:
And you , but dont be too good to be , coz you will make me more worst. Thanks lots to sis and mum :D
2:09 AM
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Flashing Graphics
HIIIIIIII ^^ Okie , school had been fine ! :D. Had fun with people , Today maths lesson keep on doing correction , and i found that Mr Imran marked 1C's books but not ours .. Where got like this one ? .__. Count and count and count the book &%$E&T*Y^%$^. During PC was laughing like mad because of Joven's BROTHER BRUST ! Hahaha , he made everyone crazy about it. Then when D&T room to paint the wood , i extra one , haha. Had fun with wendy nowdays in class :o HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. Okay , got to work hard for EOY examination ~! (:
4:16 AM
Sunday, September 12, 2010
SHOULD I GO TO SCHOOOLLLLL TOMORROW ? I now only coughing and sore throat. But thinking that tomorrow have masspe , must tuck in shirt i want faint. I wanted to tell mummy tomorrow morning to bring me to doctor , but wasting of money. Since at home already have medicine ler. But tomorrow is really not a fine day to go to school for me. Only scared mummy dunn agree for me to skip school , if let me skip then i will love her forever. Even if she doesn't i will also love her lah. These days had been a terrible one for me. My teeth so pain , coz sick. Then my mum keep on cooking those SUPER X1OOOOOOOOOOOOOO bitter medicine for me, OH MYYYY. :S This is seriously terrible. Wondering why i always sick during holidays ?!! Walao lor . cant even rest , stupid. Pray hard that tomorrow will rain , if rain i 100% will go school. If never rain ... then see how . But i don't think that my mum will allow that . :o Homeworks are done , but .. I havent do revision , :( Geography test nextweek , i must score well. My phone in december !!! ( I AM COMING TO YOU ! ) LOLOL. Hahaha , hope that everyone wont be too sleepy at class tomorrow , coz i will (:
11:29 PM
Thursday, September 9, 2010
6:19 AM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The journey with these 3 kids , When i was primary 1 , my mum started to take them. Starting from Adelaide , Aden , and lastly , Ancel. They always did not fail to make me smile after a long day of tiring things happening. They were always the ones to give me the strength to pull on. Even thought now we doesn't really get the chance to meet each other , But i can promise you all , They three are real adorable ! :D I love them , <3 A baby's feeling changed so fast (;
3:08 AM
HEIIII . Today went play badminton. With minxuan , luwen , Joel , Weiqi , celestia , and her brother , not forgetting kimi. Hahah , that was nice. We keep on playing and playing , so tired lor. MINXUAN AND HER HUSBAND , LOL ! Something scary happened . But cant help out , hope that that person is fine , i supposed. I had no photos to upload , and i hate it. Had fun playing the golf game with choonlei and luwen on Tuesday. hahha . Then also took photo with wendy and munnie , heheh. WALAO LOR , Me and wendy damn noob one HhHAHAH. We two press and press also cant take until photo. Hheeh . Enjoy your holidays , people.
1:26 AM
Sunday, September 5, 2010
HELLLOOOOOOOO , to all. Okie , just finished my art class. It is really fantastic ! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO ~ On friday , Adelaide , Aden , Ancel , came to my house to stay over night. I would upload the photo asap. Ancel's chubby cheeks are still there , and he is superduper adorable ~! His sunshine smile is really damn %*T$%$#$%I. I really had a nice day with them , they are cute. I was planning that for the whole holiday i should study. Phone = thousand of hours of hard work. And most importantly , is that i have to achieve good results for my new phone. This year's holiday @ december should be a superdupersuper nice one. And , reborn hair ! WOOOOOTS . I was wondering , the teachers maybe crazy. The whole holiday is booked. AND WE HAVE TO GO BACK ! I rather dunn have holiday , we still do not have to finish these homeworks. There are so many T_T So , i got to start ealier , and half and hour of computer is enough for me today. Off to homeworks later. Really cant take it , i want to be crazy already. But because of my phone , i got to work for it. Everyone , start your revision now ! IF NOT SURE PANIC ONEEEEEEEEE :s Science already have chapter1-15 tested , not counting the other subjects. Hahah , but study hard and play hard tooooo (: WISH THAT ALL OF YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS , I WILL MISS YOU ALL :O
The pcitures shows that when we heard that there is a holiday , we gone crazy. When we know that there are lots of remedial , our faces changed.
1:05 AM
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hihihihihihi , 1000000. O.O Okie , i am totally satisfied of my results . But homeecons only 1 more marks , haizz lose to marcusleung. I love my results , but disappointed in art and literature , coz i did not score at least G4 T_T Okay , i got to workhard for that , wait for me ! My phone .. :( I wanted to ask mum if i can exchange my good result with a new phone. 40% can , 60% cannot. But i feel like trying to ask , if can i would sure work super hard for the phone But i really want a new phone . Okie , try asking first. Today is ok , not very special or what Minxuan and luwen came to my house to use computer. Yesterday was fun with Mr . kumar.
Somepeople just like to show attitude . When he/she is happy , just smile with you. When he/she is angry , he/she treat you as nothing , this is what a kind of fuxking people is. =="
Ok , happy webcaming with siyi (: Minxuan's sunshine smile is making me jealous of her , hahahs :D Happy holiday to everyone , rock this friday night (:
2:45 AM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hahahah , finally we had a chance to say back choonlei (: Spend lots of time drawing the art piece yesterday's night , and glad that my friends like it. Heheh , i just have to say , I love you all. Because you made me smile , and everything of you , :D YOU , YOU , YOU , YOU , YOU , YOU , YOU ,YOU everyofyou. LOL , damn funny. Minxuan's dunn have hair , MWHAHAHAH.