12:01 AM
Friday, August 20, 2010
Heloooooo , hi , bye , look.
Ok , again , i missed my phone :(
Thousands of cries.
When are you recovering ?
I am waiting.
Ok , today had maths and science test.
Oral after school.
During recess bake cookie with friends for mrneo.
We were baking the cookies while Xindong and Jennifer where having their ballet class.
Nextweek monday , terrible monday.
Have homecons and geograhy common test.
Happy thing is geography actually is only tested on chapter 10 !
Ok , i got to score well.
And Homeecons is always not something i like.
But still , got to work hard.
It has been 2 weeks since i took photos .
Ok , this is not good and i hate it ! ><
Peanut butter is liked by my classmates , i supposed.
I wanttttt myyyy phooonnnnneeee .
If there is a back button for you to use , when will you use it ?
somehow , you just made me hate you >.<