4:56 AM
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Heyyy . :o Okie , gonna recap everything , :) Today went to school , and celebrated Easter day . Jump and jump and jump , we are tired. After that had the performance , i was so lucky. After leading Ms Goh to her sit , i was going to slip and fall because people at the back was rushing me. OMG , BUT GOD HELPED ME . LOLOL ! The performance was great ! Went for Macdonal afterwards. Then went back to Primary school. I guess that everyone enjoy themselves today. So as i. Met Alicia first , then she thought the person at the far away place was aloysious. I thought , after that i shouted very loud " aloysious ! " LOL , BUT HE WASNT ALOYSIOUS ~ Damn paiseh , then alicia and me was laughing like mad. Hahah , went compasspoint with alicia , yuting , sijia , huilin , kelly , jenny , caryn , nirel. It was fun , haha we chatted and chatted. After wards alicia brought a got magic power der papaya to eat/ Hahah , you know i know. After that huilin alicia and yuting came to my house. Alicia see tv until she fallen sleep then the yuting and huilin was snatching over my computer. Huilin spend her time all at uploading photos. Damn many unglam photo lor ~ Then they went back home around at 7pm. I am so tired ler. Hahah , but thanks to them , i had an wonderful day today ! :D
5:11 AM
Monday, August 30, 2010
Hiiee. Tomorrow can see my beloved primary school friends , YAY ! Ok , lets shout horray ! :D Nowdays mt phone still sick , so cant upload photos , RAWR ! Stupid , i hate it. Having fun lessons with wendyyy and joven , heheh. Today stay back until so late to do the badminton notice board , shit. Tomorrow i supposed must be fun. But hor pray hard 2mor can rain. Because if never rain we sure hot until can faint half way one ! Ohgosh , damn lucky never get caught of not tucking in shirt. Phewwww ~ Ms pey is scary , :s O.O Hehehx , lets rock the day 2mor.
7:59 AM
Saturday, August 28, 2010
HEYYYY PEOPLE. Firstly , i had to thanks people who came for today's bbq. Thankyou ttm. Thanks biggest for mummy and minxuan for yesterday's and todays work. Thanks boys who came to help and carry the things too . Thanks the teachers who came with food. Thanks the people who started the fire , and everything. Thanks friends for giving me such a fun day today , i love you all <3 Had fun taking photo with wendy , xindong , wanni. We are retard. Just have to wait for choonlei to upload the photos today. Teachers was not so supportive coz they left at 8something. LOL , so early. Mr quek is nice , he stay until 10 something. Was tired oz of everything today , but fun. I think my friend panda eyes are coming to look for me 2mor. Art class and moreeee tomorrow. I'm tired , i need sometime to rest. Monday school starts again. DIAOOO . Its fun , but somehow many people leaves ealier. I like today , but something is missing. I think is siyi :( Haizz . Nevermind , at last still want to thank everyone who came and organise the bbq with me. Love die you all , 1G rocks forever.
11:12 PM
Friday, August 27, 2010
I hate it , my phone is still sick , how ? :( Okie , days had been great. I am veryveryvery the satisfied with my this time COMMONTEST3's result. I like it . Hehehx. After few hours , BBQ is starting ! :o And , i am tired now. Bored too. Yesterday's maths lesson was fun . Had fun with joven and wendyyy . Hahah ,今天你要MARRY我. And i guess ADJASCENT , wow. We was crapping about everything. And i think Mr Imran also know about wendy's TENTEN :O hahah , thanks to us. And zoo sound. WENDY UPDATE YOUR BLOG LAR. heheex , i am damn guailan one. Gonna be busy tonight . :) Byebyebyeebeybeyebeyebeyebyebeyebeyebeyebeye.
3:41 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ok , great . Finally , exam's over. HIPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY :D Walao lor , damn happy siahh. Today i think homeecons paper is okie. Maths & science , passed. Great. BBQ on saturday , ok nice. Everything is fine , i guessed. Hahah , maths class is fun with wendy and joven. Hope that other subject also ok. And lastly , TohSiYi , cheerup :D
5:19 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
7:01 AM
Saturday, August 21, 2010
9:35 PM
Friday, August 20, 2010
Finally , after a week of suffering , ITS SUNDAY ! Yesterday's night was a fantastic friday. Because , was spamming and taking rubbish by comment with siyi and choonlei. LOL , damn sarcastic and fuuunnyyy der :D. Friends are important throughout everyone's life. I supposed , at least for me , i have friends that cared about me. A big BYEBYE to Mr Neo , he is a brave teacher that can teach us for so long. After long time of having a nice lesson with him , he is really a nice teacher. Even thought i always argue with him , haha. Currently waiting for luwen , minxuan , choonlei to come. Sad that siyi cannot come lor ... Until now , i dunn know where does my 2 fish coins come from in petsociety and resturant city come from . O.O , but i guess i am going to have fun today . If only siyi can come , that would be perfect. Next week is the start and end of exam. Until thursday i think. Something really rock about 1G is really how we had fun together. And , i love 1GLAMOROUS. all my classmates rocks ! (L)' andandand , this photo sucks. hahha , but most importantly at least we had fun together.
12:01 AM
Heloooooo , hi , bye , look.
Ok , again , i missed my phone :(
Thousands of cries.
When are you recovering ?
I am waiting.
Ok , today had maths and science test.
Oral after school.
During recess bake cookie with friends for mrneo.
We were baking the cookies while Xindong and Jennifer where having their ballet class.
Nextweek monday , terrible monday.
Have homecons and geograhy common test.
Happy thing is geography actually is only tested on chapter 10 !
Ok , i got to score well.
And Homeecons is always not something i like.
But still , got to work hard.
It has been 2 weeks since i took photos .
Ok , this is not good and i hate it ! ><
Peanut butter is liked by my classmates , i supposed.
I wanttttt myyyy phooonnnnneeee .
If there is a back button for you to use , when will you use it ?
somehow , you just made me hate you >.<
2:43 AM
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today is ok lar. Nothing special. 2mor is my mum's birthday , CHUAH CHOON LEI !! Haha , it would be a niceday , i supposed. Today has remidal , and nothhhhinng much ler. Chinese class was pretty quiet today. Saw munling and wanni at the MRT there , LOL. We like retard about choibu's (:
4:43 AM
Monday, August 16, 2010
Hello , cute ; pretty ; handsome ; whatever. Today is a fine monday (; I guess i like the books that Mrs Ang lent me. Happy coz this time science test did well. And thanks to Ms Goh , for giving me nice present. We had science remidal , and IT MAKEUP class 2mor. Boring. The phone without my phone , i wanna die ler. Bored die ok ? Want listen music also cannot. Damn it , phone , please recover soon ! Friday have oral , maths and science test. GREAT ! ==" Its ok , i gonna workhard for that. Maths totally not confident , but science still ok , just have to work my brain. Tomorrow would be a better day , i supposed. :D Siyi and minxuan came my house until 7pm. They are mad . HAHAHAHAH.
2:11 AM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
HELLLOO. I'm tired . Just came back from the movies. DESPICABLE ME ! Wow , me and kelly went all the way to Vivocity. Went lots of place. Went for macdonals. The cinema damn little people only. The movie is nice , especially those little workers :D Brought a stick keychain , its nice. Then went to look at the puppys and hamster . They are adorable , but mummy wont let me have one. Coz her nose is sensitive to their fur =="/ I guess i have no chance then. Had a fun day with her ! (:
5:38 AM
Friday, August 13, 2010
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. The tv programme JUST FOR LAUGH .ASIA , is nice. When u want to laugh , seriously i encourage you to watch this. This one chop by me one :D. Damn noob and funny one lar ! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Today english and history commontest. nice , i think i am going to score well . (: Lessons as normal , thanks to the school , we do not have to stay back for the science remidal ! CHEERRSSSS , :) somehow , the guard at my primary school like good mood. let me go in the school. LOLOLOL. went in to see those little kids :D. They are still as active as last time. And seriously speaking , MSKANG is still as fierce as last time. OOPS :O Butttt , the training was nice. And so happy that coach is still healthy and humorous as last time. Felt a sense of belonging , niceeeee. Anddd , 2mor going out with Alicia and Kelly to watch DESPICABLE ME !! Excited +++++. so long never meet them out ler , Going vivocityyy !! But sad yuting cant go , I promise 2mor would be a fun day :DD. Byebyebeye.
( What is still better than having so many good friends sitting around you ? ) ^^
4:36 AM
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
WOW , So , are all of your enjoying the first day of school ? LOL , i know i asked a stupid question. Should be NO . But i like it pretty much , coz after school was great :D. Was sick for 2 days :( Went for doctor. Anndddd , some where some how some place. They actually charge 9 more dollars coz it was monday , holiday ==" So , i decided to go to the Sengkang community club there see. WOWOWOWO , damn tiring , 2 hours ++ of waiting :( 7 am then wake up ler. School as normal , my eyes just cant open . -____- Lessons lessons and still , LESSONS . Had history remidal and Home econs too. The cookies are niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . Glicious , haha for the G'S . Go facebook for moreee pictures ok ? Tyty.
4:54 AM
Saturday, August 7, 2010
4:40 AM
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hurray ! 4 days of not going school , everyone cheers :D. hhehex . Today's performance was dun i supposed. Had fun with xindong , jennifer and wanni. So innocent ;D They sure had put in lots of effort in yeahs ? WAOOOO. Was damn funny after school. The teacher tell us go take the art work that the people had done up to the 2nd floor. Wa , hahah. Then our class got 1st for the national day the thing. Thanks to Luwen , Wendy , Joel , Kenneth , Liyah , Munnie . :D Thats great . The monster thing was damn funny . After that went Tampines with mummy and sophiesister. Hhaha , brought new shoes :D , niceeeeee. Enjoy your holidays , people . Take care (: hahahah.
5:51 AM
Thursday, August 5, 2010
HEYYYYY BLOGGERS :D Wow , daddy brought the OREO container back , so damn interesting ! (: And the starhub thing , wowowowo ~ Hehehx. Today was a great day i supposed :D. I am really satisfied with my 2.4km result , loving it :DDD. Maths test too . 2mor National day celebrating , :O . Hheheheheh x :)
3:17 AM
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hey , readers , tagger , friend , whatever you are. Today Mini Olympic . WOW our result for captains ball is bad .. :( 0 - 10 . . . 1D totally trashed us ==" WE WOULD GIVE THEM BACK , NEXT TIME ! >< But the best thing is 1G really put in the effort. Congratz to the boys who played soccer . Go in semi-finals :) It's ok , i guess. The process is fun , that is the important one . Hope that there are no unglam photo that mr neo took . PLEASE ! I would die if there is any :( Banana and pen was given , YAY ?! hahaha , funfunfunfunfufnfufnfufufnfufn :D Wa , 2mor run 2.4km , die .____.
3:53 AM
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Hey pretty :D Ok , just back from badminton. HURRAY , TODAY IS LAST DAY TRAINING :) Resume after commontest :O. Mr Tong had gone crazy again , i guess. Everytime have the SSL we go late for training he also never scold. Today dunn know why , scolded us ==" Then the PT was fine , i guess. Welcome to the new seniors ~ (: Hope that can get along with them . Ms Pey came alot of time to our class .. Haizz damn me , lost the video for choonlei's they all the CME project. Haizz , felt sorry for them. But , happy that they did not blame. Thankyou & Sorry . Hone Econs was fun , hahah the lollipop thing . We know ~ ;D Heheh , wendy bad . Hhahaha , 2mor mini olympic game , i think we playing with 1F ? Hope that will win , will try the best yeahs :) 9 Girls , 1 Boy , LOL ! Joel only boy . :o Ok , nicetime 2mor :DD.