3:46 AM Sunday, May 2, 2010
Went eating BURGER KING with SOPHIEsister today.
LOL, it seems to be the first time we eat together alone.
fun lorhs, keep walking around and see which one to eat.
today keep doing maths..
and more..
coz mummy played majong so many days liao..
never bring me out.
she also playing 2mor.
3 days holiday she never bring me out.
haizz.. cannot blame her larhs.
anyway, will post last fewdays photo.

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

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the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)