5:38 AM Monday, May 31, 2010

Okok , today nothing really special.
Went out with mummy.
Brought a grey little miss sunshine shirt ;D.
love it okays ? ;D;D
2mor going school , coz want company they all have the remidal.
Ok , thats fine.
Just now webcam with mangobaby.
She so bad lor , trick me.
say tell me pose ler.
then after i pose then she say she havent ready , trick me der.
i am like anoob lor.
hahahah , anyway was fun ! ;D
ok , today is MY DEAR LINQIANPING 'S BIRTHDAY !<3 size="3">ok , i loveher ok ?
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to qianping ,
happy birthday to you ! ;D;D
stay pretty and happy larhs ^^
she go back china ler so cannot celebrate with her.
hope that next time have chance and she can be happy in china ! ;D

8:43 PM Friday, May 28, 2010

today went breakfast with mummy.
she is off playing majong again ler.
hahaha, i love die mummy.
she brought shirt for me/
and ..
green apple ice blended rocks ;D

8:43 PM
슈퍼주니어(SuperJunior) _ 너라고 (Its You) _ 뮤직비디오

3:05 AM

Ok ,hello people.
And today si the first day of holiday ! ;D
quite boring lerhs.
LOL , mostly friends not free so i bored.
but thanks minxuan for companying me ;D
brought a new wallet and the doggy is damn cute ! ;D;D;D;D

3:17 AM Thursday, May 27, 2010
This is currently how i feel ok?
YAY ! ;D.
last day school ler ;D;D;D;D;D;D.
ok , i was thinking of something.
why didnt i let my mum meet mstan this time round ?
i passed all subject this time but i didnt thought of that.
>.< >HOLIDAY ! ;D

3:33 AM Wednesday, May 26, 2010

OKOKOK , today nothing really special.
HEHEHE , 2mor last day ler.
i dunn know is good thing or bad thing ler..
coz horhs projects are really many and the problem is would it be too
boring if we don't go school ?
so , i decided to learn something during the holiday lerhs.
ok , i hope that this time the holiday would be funnn to the max.
today maths lesson i super quiet der.
mr neo always scold me and make me dunn feel like talking ler ? ......
LOL , anyway , can talk in other lessons.
And lastly ,
stay handsome and young , our nicest teacher ever.

3:26 AM

To SIYI happilychoibumei. :
You ok mahs ?
Even though i dunn know what had happened and cannot comfort you ,
but i really hope that u can cheerup.
I remembered that when i am sad that time
you are the one who also comfort me and tell me you would support me.
And now , i am also got to do the same thing.
You happy i happy.
You sad i sad.
I really not bare to see you sad.
Anything want to share call me ok ?
remeber that paint ? you paint it for me one ;D
Today i am reservered for you ;D
cheeer uppp ! ^^

4:07 AM Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ok , passed every subjects.
YAY ! happyyy about it ;D.
Today have the literature programme , so damn tired lor..
When during morning we have the assembly LOL was fun coz keep playing
with xiaoyun , rubin , munling , xindong . HAHAHAH.
CHOIBU has already overtook hello when we see each other.
so damn fun lorhs ! lovedie all of them.
ok , only eat during recess and the stupid assembly lasted so damn long.
i dunn have time to eat and rushed to the library with friends.
when the programme ended my mum rushed me home.
she say no key , she going out so want me go back faster.
in the end my sister went back ealier than me , and she took the key.
i am sibei tired , everytthing just come at once.
ok , fuxk off larhs horhs.
my mum scolded me.
OK , have u ever listen to me and know what happened?
u are just living in ur own world !
and who can be damn patient when u are hungry , tired and ur bag was so damn heavy ?!
i am getting enough !!!!
anyway thanks mrs ang for sharing such a nice show. ;D;D

4:06 AM Monday, May 24, 2010

i passed all my subject.
I really thought that today was a super nice day BUTTTTTTT..
I had lost my wallet !!!!!!!! my ez-link card is inside and with $15 dollar cash inside... :(
I thought i can be praised by my mum , she would be totally happy.
But i was scolded and scolded and scolded and scolded...
BY HER :(:(
i really need to find it back .. so please if u really saw it can u kindly return it to me ?? :(:(
Ok , today's trip was nice ;D.
Pictures are uoloaded here and facebook.
The instructors are kind ;D.
And i had a fun time with friends ;D

7:23 AM Sunday, May 23, 2010
Ok , today was totally fun !
Went to siyi house at 3pm ++ i think.
Meet up with minxuan .
Went to buy macondal's macchicken to eat , YUMMY ;D.
fall in love with the curry sauce.
Ok , i really done a great job !
I didnt birng my ez-link card and made minxuan walk the whole way to siyi house with me.
And the weather is burning hot =="
We was eating the food we brought and then some flying * friends * came to join us !
We was praying that they would go away.
Then went to play swing , thanks to siyi i felt dizzy .
Then we keep climbing us the blue thing.
Was fun ! ;D.
Went car park too , then siyi and minxuan walked me to the bus stop infront of school.
Then they went back.
For more pictures please visit www.facebook.com and view ;D

4:16 AM Saturday, May 22, 2010

Believe this ? ;D
Tired , need someone to protect.

6:40 AM Friday, May 21, 2010

This post is for now my friends and last time friends.
Ok first , let me list out all.
-Jennifer .
-Munling .
-Xingdong .
Thanks friends :D , youallrockmylife ^^.

Primary school sibeisibeisibei BESTIESS <3> :
Our relationship is still very good , you brought me laughters , even thought we would still fight sometimes , but i am glad you are with me all the way along . You are really a great friend , i hope that we can always be veryveryveryvery good sisters. The memories you gave me is all inside my heart lerhs , nothing would break us :D Loveyou tothemax.
LimYuting , you are my best sister for life too , you are supporting me always , we share everything along the way ;D iloveyou.
Qiansijia , you are always like my big sister , always so funny and i reallyloveyou too ;D
I wont forget you for my life. ;D
Xuhuilin , you are always so creative , you coloured my life.
everyone of you , i love you all ! ;D.

6:27 AM
Ok great ! ;D.
wawawa, today sherman go play around with the insect...
scared die me liao :(
Maths - 50/100 , just nice.
Science - 65/100 okok.
Chinese - 73.6 /100 i think.
English paper just nice 25/50 but dunn know final marks.
Ok , hope that rest would also doo weelll ! ;D
heheh , going to up load a video.

12:04 AM Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to ZIKRYBRO,
happy birthday to you ! <3
heheh , stay handsome arhs :D
okokok, today went bugis with mummy.
Brought one hat for weesiang bro :D.

11:50 PM Tuesday, May 18, 2010
WOOOOOOOTS <3 finally ! exam is over , i love it :D. Today we go siyi house.
After like 15 - 30 mins , we went to my house.
Then we go eat Madonal BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGG BREAKFAST !!! :D:D.
we was looking and looking for sit. Then got one group of people , dunn say what school.
Sitting there and occupy the space.
they see we no space also dunn let us sit =="
keep playing the guitar. it wasn't the problem.
the problem is they keep playing the same part over and over and over and over......... .______________________________________________________.
was totally crazy =="
after that went to my house to play.
want take neoprint one , but siyi must go fetch his brother so never .
then me luwen & minxuan keep playing computer and more ..
luwen was crazy about boxhead !
and i found that we have something same .
and that is we like to watch the show very much.
heheheheh ;D.
after that want go choonlei house one , but siyi cant go ler so never go.
Don't blame yourself ! :)
ok , lucky the credits was ok .
And happy birthday to zikry bro ;D.
let me upload some lateeeeeeeeeeeeeee photo :)
me and minxuan one is today derr.
MS TAN , D&T TEAHCER. , sibei good.
wendy , badgirl :D

2:50 AM
Loveyouforever, aden.
Let me let you see how happy can a kid be .

8:22 PM Monday, May 17, 2010
Was thinking why some people just cannot appreciate what i gave.
I had been trying my best to be good to everyone.
But somepeople just don't appreciate it.
Ok , thats all.
I not going to give anything of mine to you anymore.

onemoredayonemoredayonemoredayonemoredayonemoreday !
Examm only left 2morrr.
HEHEHEH, let's celebrate just for 2mor :D

2:41 AM
WWEENNT to madconal today.
then we saw sherman they all lorhs.
They keep taking luwen and minxuan's french frice.
they keep running around as if it is their home?
Anyway, today's maths was..
i want to pass, but the algebra just make me wanna die ,

6:44 AM Saturday, May 15, 2010
HAHAHAH, ok today also keep studying actually.
Getting busy lorr.

8:20 PM Thursday, May 13, 2010
Heheh, finished science test today !
Was ok, i think i will doooo well :D.
Anyway, wanted to go out but sooo lazy ..
Mummy today got play majong lor.
Nebermind, should continue with my studies first :D

10:27 PM Wednesday, May 12, 2010
YOYO ! ^^
today very early come back home liao.
And the geography is totally diffcult.
4 more to go and it would be over.
today when walking home was fuunny.
walk to choonlei house, saw like a bigbigbigbig lizard??
then i was screaming and shocked ?
One go ur the treee and when i turn back then other one on the graaasss !!!
Was totally scared.....
But was funny.
hahahah :D

10:51 PM Tuesday, May 11, 2010
gotta feeling that exams are going to be over soon ! ;D.
Got scolded from Mr Quek........
Walao lor, is like, my fault mehs?
They called me and ask me for answer.
Sometimes i never even tell the answer.
And now u say i keep looking at Qianping & qianping keep looking at me.
U are just trying to say that we are cheating but u didnt.
Is like, wth ???????
Being a good person also got scolded.
Can i ever explain?
They ask me for answer i just help what.
But i am also in the wrong saying the answer.
Sometimes things just get so fucking irritating when i havent even do something wronggggg !!!!
Haizzz =="
Anyway today's history MCQ was gooooood.
I know how to do.
2mor Geography.
EMMMM.. hope that it is easy.
Havent been playing comeputer more than 1 hour since exam starts.
Okay, good luck for all.

I not saying like i hate you or what MrQuek,
You are like really misunderstood me.
I couldn't explain.
If you were me what could you do?
Say " go away lar "
But sometimes i also have my own situation.
If u still want to scold me ,
I can only tell you,
I still choose my friends,
I would still choose to help them.
You are really a great teacher,
Always never scold us,
Always talk nicely to us,
I know we are too over sometimes,
I will try my best to help you out,
I am sorry.
You are leaving, i dunn hope that there are so much trouble still make u feel stressed.
I hope that we , 1G , can have the last week together happily.

2:54 AM Monday, May 10, 2010
Oh goody.
I HAVE BEEN wasting my time sleeping T_T.
ok have to study now.
today paper was fine :)

3:56 AM Sunday, May 9, 2010
YOYO ! ^^
heheh, so had everyone celebrated mother;s day?
like 11 something went pizzahut and had breakfast with mummy & sophiesister.
LOL, should be lunch.
hehehe, wish mummy a happy mothers day and rest of the mummys too.
pizza was nice, and those fried things too.
Anyway, congratz to aliciachocodear.
Last longggg.
And 2mor exams starts.
The race had begans.

12:37 AM Saturday, May 8, 2010
OK !
i still play computer during exams period.
and that is not good, i think.
Anyway, webcam-ing with choonlei now.
heheheh, was fun.
i am damn hungry now but my legs are just so lazy and dont want to go buy.
that things had been making me moody.....
i can don;t care one lor.

12:14 AM Friday, May 7, 2010
Today okok larhs.
Dunn know why, cant be retarted today.
Like everything is so sian, and sleepy.
Exams is on monday.
LOL, have to start revision.
After school when seven-eleven.
Then horh.....................
Something happened bad to me.
Haizzz, felt shame to say here.
Nvm, i learnt a lesson anyway.
Go minxuan house print the art thing.

4:31 AM Thursday, May 6, 2010

hahahha, today i had been a retarted people.
AND !!!
i really enjoy myself lorhs.
hahaha, this photo is evidence of my retarted behaviour.
don't you feel that this face look terrible ?
LOL . .__________.
anyway, enjoying more and more with friends.
everyfriend that i had.
ok, have to continue with studies liao.

1:29 AM Wednesday, May 5, 2010

FUCK lar. =="
if i am not wrong, i should had lost my science textbook.
and i hate everything ttm now !!!!!
if anyone saw it please kinda return me , with thousands of thanks.
ok, today quite fun actully.
i like sitting in the register arrangement.
Coz friends are all around me.
then went to minxaun house to print the art thingy.
after that bus-ed home.
guess who is that on the photo?


3:46 AM Sunday, May 2, 2010
Went eating BURGER KING with SOPHIEsister today.
LOL, it seems to be the first time we eat together alone.
fun lorhs, keep walking around and see which one to eat.
today keep doing maths..
and more..
coz mummy played majong so many days liao..
never bring me out.
she also playing 2mor.
3 days holiday she never bring me out.
haizz.. cannot blame her larhs.
anyway, will post last fewdays photo.

2:47 AM Saturday, May 1, 2010
Okays ! ^^
Now keep on chiong for my maths homework.
Wanted to finish longman & maths workbook.
Was late and had detention, anyway quite fun.
Want to go out but also cannot lor.
Got such a low mark and mummy is angry.
Must score really well during the midyear exam.
Jiayoooou ~ ! :D

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)