5:51 AM Thursday, March 25, 2010
Erms.. nothing really happened these days.
AHH ! anyway, hope that Marcus yap's eyes can recover soon.
He is having a big ( panda eye) now.
Looks painful & tiring.
Today no badminton CCA, so went eat KFC & library with Choonlei, Luwen & Minxuan.
Qianping have chinese dance so cant come along.
And one more thing, I lovedie Choonlei.
Thanks for helping & being patient in teaching me in the maths ! :D.
Will repay you one for sure :D:D.
2mor still have maths supplymentary.
Then after that i want go back to primary school help my juniors.
Then 5pm must go back school .
whole day busy =="
Anyway, nvm.
Hahah,byebye. :D

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

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the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)