3:14 AM Wednesday, January 27, 2010
HELOOOO people :)XD^_^
Let me see what am i going to post today..
Ah,nowday school life still as usual,quite bored actually.
Everyday same wakeup;get ready&walk to school.
Getting quite bored of this life.
And if i am not wrong i should be joining BADMINTON.
Made new friends , they are quite friendly after knowing them.
Everyday,like nothing special lerhs.
And most important,nobody is TAGGING ME !
Hahas,that alright.
Nowdays my post all very bored right?No wonder no people come liao.
Today IT class our teacher came back liao.
No more using phones liao :p
The (ex-chairman) laughed at my name.
Then Mr Jaekiel help me revenge on him.
Hahas,it was funny that time.
Thanks too ! :D.
And all the 1G hates history now.
Coz Mr Poh suddenly go give test today.
And it was damn diffcult , even though he gave us hints.
When we heard that some people are selected for the history supplymentary we all shouted as we object,and it shows that how much we doesnt like history.
No choice,have to love it anyway.
And science test coming next week,health check too.
AWWW,this makes me got stressed.
Today saw many of the photos i took with my dearest friends.
Miss them lots. T_T
Hope that no matter where they are,they will enjoy their life as what we had during 2008&2009
So wish to go back,if there is one more chance i wont waste any second.
And miss ANCEL baby too ! <33#.
Everyone comes and go,i still have to go on.
Cheer up :):)
Okays,lets end here.
Everyone,be happy like always :DD.
LOVE SJMx7 forever .

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)