9:07 AM Monday, June 20, 2011

Okay hi omg i had not been posting for so long !!
so now is the last week of school holiday liao !!
These few weeks or even months I had been enjoying myself.
there are so many outing and so many many fun times.
i really cant say all of them out now , hahah cause its kinda many.
i had been going to ehub for like 12484433y3930043 times.
The latest one is going to Sentosa + bowling with Wendy minxuan marcus.y zikry joven joel james delvin zhengkai amanda xD
Okay we really had fun times together , and its such a enjoyable holiday :)
i am getting darker nowdays LOL thanks to the sun
2mor going out with primary school friends again hahah :p
i hope that i will be blogging soon again , sorry for not blogging.
and hor my tag board is kinda ... hmmm interesting with all those unknow taggers ? LOLOLOL
okay , its getting late now and i guess i shall stop here.
12.12 , good night guys !

missing you . :(

6:06 AM Saturday, May 14, 2011

Like me or not , i don't give a damn , i am still me

Hmmmmm , hiiii :)
Sorry for not blogging for months !
Okie seriously I had been studying hard for my exam ..
Now exam is over , and super happy me finally have some time to blog.
Okay so summarizing up what I had been doing this 2 months ,
keep on studying like mad.
Nothing special really happened , but the class fan is really getting onto my nerves .
Okay , today's Weesiang's birthday , here to say a Happy Birthday to him :)
Really hope that I can score well for my exams , cause I really read like mad.
And this coming holiday , not gonna waste it like the past few years :)
Had been tumblring these days and sorry to blogger LOL T_T
okie lah i will try to really blog more.
happy that my fringe actually grew longer cause i had a really bad haircut HAHAH
life is getting more and more tough now , and i guess i won't really blog nowdays.
life after exam are like heaven , hahahaha
okieeeee , see you guys next time , bye :D

6:16 AM Thursday, March 24, 2011

What are words . If you really don't mean them , when you say them

Hi !!
It has been so super duper long since i blogged.
Sorry guys , had been busy during the holiday and I don't have time to blog.
Okay , got a new hair cut and my hair is short now , as u guys can see above.
But , new hair cut new start so it's okay :)
March Holiday was pretty boring but i guess i enjoyed myself .
( by tumblring everyday ) LOLOLOLOLOL
Hahahah , new week of schooling had started and I am gonna work harder than before.
Things are getting really supper busy , and , i guess i cant be blogging oftenly.
Okay , enjoy guys ! :)

11:11 PM Thursday, March 17, 2011

Don't wanna see anyone of you get hurt

Okay hi !! Sorry sorry sorry
for not blogging for like super long already ?
Cause I had been kind of wasting my time , hahahh
During this march holiday didn't do anything really useful .
No choice , I didn't really plan to do anything uselful anyway .
School is starting soon , 1 week just passed like this , time to work hard again !
Really have to pay more attention liao , have to improve my result like really have to !
Okay lets just enjoy the last few days , play all we want :D

12:34 AM Friday, March 11, 2011

Your smile melts my heart

Yup , hi everyone !
Happy birthday to Marcusyap !
Okay , sorry for not blogging for like 1 week .
I had been busy , i guess ?
Today is friday , the super awesomeeeeeee day :D
Got back my report book , and I fail maths .
Have to work harder next time then !!
And super nice thing is that I only have to go back to school 1 day next week :)
Planning now , how to spend my March holiday.
One term passed so fast , and the 2nd term is starting.
Hmmm , okay , everyone please enjoy your March holidays :)

2:03 AM Monday, March 7, 2011

Okayokay , I am just back from school and I am really tired.
But yesterday was seriously awesome so I really gonna post this.
Met Choonlei in the afternoon then went to meet up them.
Then we all headed to Pasir Ris , Escape theme park.
Hahah , we went there to eat KFC.
And got cream all around our faces , BECAUSE OF THE CAKE.
Then all of us went inside Escape theme park and play.
And , the sky isn't very nice to us as it rained for super long
we just have to go to E-Hub , and buy somethings to eat first.
The rain finally stopped and we went to buy super many things.
Haunted house was really damn crazy as it is not scary but we kept on shouting.
We keep on went to Wet & Wild and sit the boat , LOL HAHAHHAHA.
And got really really wet.
After wards went to play the car thingy , and I got stuck there.
The people there damn what de lor , hahah dunn save me still keep on spray me with water.
Yup , and we headed for dinner and changed our clothes.
After missed the bus , we took all the way to puggol and went home afterwards.
Hahah , thanks to you guy I really enjoyed myself :)

Happy birthday to Marcus , Minxuan , Wendy , Zhengkai :D

1:36 AM Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh , you're so pretty . But your personality killed it.

I just badly want a cool phone :(
Hellooooooooo :D
Okok , i want to change blog skin like x100000 lor :(
Just bath-ed and feeling so refreshed .
Today got back my History and Science , Maths paper.
I did quite ok for both , so no worries .
After wards had Macdonal and dance thingy with Munnie , Mx , Sy , Cl , Lw , Qp.
Then Mr Neo walked passed and scolded us .
We was thinking of how the Cantonese is pronounced lor.
Xiu mui mui = xiao mei mei .

1:55 AM Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ITS THE LAST DAY OF EXAM , and seeing me so happy you guy should know why.
Just came back from badminton with awesome guys.
HAHAHAH , okay .
I am super tired x2 now coz its really tiring -_-
Amazed , really amazed by Sherman and Joven's sweats .
I did quite ok for Geography and Chinese .
But both are not as good as I had expected .
And I guess Ms Rai is like so ------______------
as , we had to take the test , again on Monday.
Please , i thought that exam is over ?
No :(
And , luckily that theres awesome guys who are there with me , that made everything so awesome :)

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: TaiPeiSan ;戴佩珊

♦So , i guess this is all about my daily life
♦you know where to leave ,
♦please do tag before leaving okay
♦Enjoy yourself , loves :)